I am a cat. This blog was started by the late Sadie Cat who was murdered by two huskies when she went for a stroll one evening. Her reason for writing this blog was to give humans a cat's eye view of things. It was her hope that you would find it fun, interesting, humorous, and informative. I am now picking up where she left off and my goal is the same as hers

I am the current writer of this blog
Friday, September 21, 2007
By the mid afternoon it was time for a nice cat nap so I went back into my office but with the door open it allowed other intruders. Evinrude came in and went straight for my food dish where he helped himself to my food. I let him know what I thought with a little growl and hiss but I didn’t feel like fighting for it so I went into the shop which is adjacent to my office.
I had just jumped up into the chair to take my nap when I heard Bill returning so after a bit of debate I thought I would honor him with my presence.
Bill was already seated by the time I entered my office and I walked over to him for a little attention. That is when I saw him holding Evinrude in his lap. Bill is my human and he was in my office holding another cat.
It was just more then I could take. Think about it ladies how would you respond if you walked in and saw your human sitting there with another lady on his lap. Would you think that was ok? We cats or at least this cat believes in loyalty and let me tell you I let him know. If he had not had leather boots and blue jeans on I would have left him with two bloody stubs to walk on.
I just don’t get it. If Bill is going to two time me at least he can do it somewhere else then in my own office.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Robbie replied that it would be LAROOM (Leave All Rabbits Out Of Metaphors). D'Artagnan moved we change the name to LACOOM and Evinrude seconded the motion. Sadie Cat reminded them that before motions could be accepted they would first need to elect officers. Mama Cat hissed some unrepeatable words and the nomination of officers began.
Evinrude nominated Sadie Cat for all offices using a phrase common to all you humans, “makers uppers it.” D'Artagnan announced to everyone that until now Sadie Cat had not been able to spell his name correctly and thus he did not feel she qualified for any office.
Mama Cat nominated D'Artagnan for president and Evinrude seconded the nomination but D'Artagnan declined the nomination on the grounds that he did not have time.
Sadie Cat asked D'Artagnan what he did that made him so busy. All she was aware of was eat, drink, sleep, and dig holes in the dirt to be filled in when their purpose was completed. With that D'Artagnan stuck his tail straight up said he did not have to take that and left. Evinrude said he did not like my attitude and he too departed. Mama Cat just stuck her tongue out at me and left.
I don’t get it. Humans have clubs, churches, and other organizations. They can hold meetings and they don’t get mad about some silly little thing and leave or speak ill of each other. If humans can do it then cats should be able to do it better.
Friday, September 7, 2007
I was reading one of Bill’s blogs on radio and he mentioned the use of cat’s whiskers in radios.
That made me mad. I was wet cat type of mad.
My thoughts were: Don’t people understand that God gave us those whiskers for a reason? I also couldn’t help but wonder if they pull them out by the roots or do they cut them off? There is that other animal they call “man’s best friend” and I call “animal’s biggest sellout”; they have whiskers why can’t they use them?
I let Bill know just how mad I was and to think he was trying to help more people to get involved in radio. I could just see more cats losing their whiskers.
Then Bill explained that a “cat’s whisker” was a small piece of wire usually springy or stiff. In the days of crystal radios, like a cat is suppose to know what a crystal radio is, they made “cat’s whiskers” out of safety pins (that was a device used to hold a diaper on a child who had not learned to use the sand box yet).
Why can’t you humans mean what you say and say what you mean? Why do you have to drag us cats into your metaphors? Like the one used to speak of driving a Caterpillar tractor, you humans call it “skinning a cat.” Baby tom cat did it ever make me cringe when I heard Bill talking to someone about when he used to “skin cats.”
I am thinking about starting a new organization. It will be called LUCOOM. Leave Us Cats Out Of Metaphors.