I am the current writer of this blog

Friday, April 27, 2007


Well I am late again but really it is not my fault. The last few days I have not been able to get to the computer. Bill kicked me out of my office into the shop in back of my office so he could bring Evinrude inside. It seems Evinrude had an infection and Bill wanted to keep him in so he could watch and treat the infection. I still can’t believe he kicked me out of my own office. Evinrude is better now so he is back outside and Bill has let me back in my office.

I learned something while Bill was watching the history channel on TV. They were discussing some place called Egypt. They were talking about how they built pyramids something in which I have no interest but then they said that they worshiped cats. They really were smart. They really knew the value of the cat. To bad people don’t still understand just how great we are.

I can’t believe what I just saw on TV. Channel 10 in Sacramento has a section in their 10 PM news called buy it and try it. The idea is to try products that are advertised and see if they really do what they say they will. Well tonight they tried a product called Ssscat. It is a pressurized can of water with a sensor. The idea is when a cat goes where humans don’t want them they set one of these devises there and when the cat approaches the area and crosses in the sensing zone it sprays the cat with WATER. I say that is no way to treat a cat but Bill says it does not hurt the cat and it can be used to protect the cat. Doesn’t he know that spraying a cat with water is torture? Check it out for your self at and tell me what you think.

Well it is time for a cat nap.

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