I am a cat. This blog was started by the late Sadie Cat who was murdered by two huskies when she went for a stroll one evening. Her reason for writing this blog was to give humans a cat's eye view of things. It was her hope that you would find it fun, interesting, humorous, and informative. I am now picking up where she left off and my goal is the same as hers
Yes it is true that cats and dogs can swim but the question is for how long? If for some reason your pet should fall overboard while you have your attention drawn to something else it could take some time before you notice and are able to search for your friend. Your pet will be very low in the water and thus may not be able to see land. So they may swim in circles until they tire out and drown.
Keep your pet safe if you take them with you in a boat.
Did you know there are over 40 different applications of Meleuca
products specifically for cats described in the Melaleuca Wellness Guide?
If you are concerned about the health of your family, that
includes your pets, you will check out the Melaleuca products.
Melaleuca products are safer for humans because they do not
contain dangerous chemicals. There are many serious injuries from inhaling the
fumes, having skin contact, or ingesting dangerous chemicals that are used in
everyday household products. Many illnesses such as cancer, asthma attacks, heart
disease, and many more are linked directly to those same dangerous chemicals.
Young humans are frequently the victims of accidental poisoning from household
Melaleuca products are safer for the pets in the house for
the same reason they are safer for humans in the house. While pets are not
usually the ones responsible to do the cleaning around the house they do live
in the environment these cleaners leave. Some of us are more susceptible to the
damage these products cause then humans. Like young humans young cats, dogs, ferrets,
and more are playful and curious which gets them into things that are
dangerous. This may be chewing through an empty cleaner bottle or even worse
one that is not empty and consuming some of the product with dangerous
Melaleuca products are safer for our planet. The Earth is
our home; we live here. We drink the water it provides, breathe the air that
envelops it, and eat the food it produces. If pollution puts the toxic chemicals
humans are using everyday in the home into the air and water then we all have to
eat and breathe them. Humans, pets, domestic animals, and wild animals are all placed
at risk.
Please do your part and remove toxic cleaners and other toxic
chemical from your home.
I have got it made. Bill keeps me inside at night where it is warm and dry; it is also safe from dogs and other dangerous animals. During the day he lets me out but I usually don't stay out very long because it is more comfortable in his office
Some cats don't get to spend the night inside and it gets cold at night You humans like a nice warm place when it is cold. Well we cats also like to keep warm but sometimes cats do foolish things to keep warm. They will clime upon the warm engine of a car and try to keep warm. So please when you go out to start your car during these winter months at least bang on the hood so as to chase any cats that may have strayed in there out.
So to all you cats out there have a happy Thanksgiving and to the dogs and humans I wish the same. Even if you don't live in the United States you still can be thankful with us on the third Thursday of November each year.
I know Bill loves me because if he didn't he would pitch me out on my ear. I really shouldn't pester him so much but it is so much fun and he just keeps loving me.
One thing I think is most fun is while he is working away on the computer keyboard I like to crawl up and lay across his arms. You would think he would just drop me and say, "No", but he lets me lay there and even strokes my head. He will finally get tired and put me down in my spot on the desk but I will just crawl back.
Bill tries to stop me from crawling back by putting his hand up but usually I can just go around or jump over it and go back. Sometimes he is more persistent so I get on the back of his chair climb up on his shoulder and then it is easy to get back in his arms and look at him and say, "I'm back."
I mentioned my spot on the desk. Bill has given me a nice spot on his desk that is mine. It is over two square feet. He did it so I could be near him and sleep while he works but sometimes I want attention and if I try to get into his arms as I described above he will push me back so I get on the floor and jump up on the desk where I am not suppose to be. That is when he pays attention to me and says, "Sarena NO. Get down you know you don't belong there." I know but I got what I wanted.
The other day I found a real fun thing to do. It was by accident but it was fun. I laid down beside the keyboard and rolled over just enough so my back pushed the enter key on the numbers part of the keyboard. The screen just keep scrolling up and it took him a little while to figure out what was going on.
Oh yes I love playing with Bill's mind but I would like to hear from some of you cats out there who are reading this blog. What do you do to bug your staff? Please leave some comments.
I am a cat, as you well know, and I love people but I have
learned that not all people love me.The
only reason they don’t like me is because I am a cat.
Some men believe it is not macho to like cats but there are
many men who are not afraid to stop and pet a cat even when fighting a war. In
return we cats give them a stress relief which helps them stay on target.
Devan McGuinness wrote a blog post on 20
reasons she thinks cats are awesome and I must admit she has some good points.
Read her post by clicking HERE.
Dis super cool and beary limited lil Lego dude iz out to halp dem
kittehs and so can u. He sez dis iz da droid u r lookin fur. He wuz only
available thru Lego stores n Lego.com on Star Wars Day. (READ MORE)
Humans sometimes give us foods we shouldn't eat. I know it is hare to resist them so have your human read the article "7 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Cat" so maybe they won't tempt you with them.
Bill rescued me from the pound so I really can relate to a blog I found. It is obviously written by a human. I know this because it speaks of the cat's "owner" and we all know that dogs have owners but cats have staff. That's okay I can overlook that little thing because the content is great. Check it out: CLICK HERE!
He is the house cat. He looks so sweet and nice as he helps his mommy fold her close but he is the reason I have to live out in Bill's office. It is not that I am complaining about the office because it is actually pretty nice out here it is just that I would like to go into the house with Bill sometimes but Austin has such a fit that I am not allowed inside.
It is fun being a cat. I don't think you humans really understand just how much fun it is just being a cat. When humans pester other humans usually the one being pestered will grow angry at the other but we cats can pester even torment humans all day long and they just love us just the same.
Dottie, Bill's wife, went to spend some time with their new granddaughter. This meant some quality time for me with Bill. But now she is back and he wants to spend time with her.
If I didn't know better I would think he loves more then he loves me.
Yesterday Bill used his ham radio skills to assist in shepherding a bicycle ride event. He left early in the morning without saying good bye. He did not arrive back home until late last night when he came in to see me.
I was so mad I knew I was going to do something mean to show him. He left the computer off so I was not able to do some of my little tricks to mess it up so he has to figure out how to get it working again. He left the ham radio off so I was not able to get on the air and tell him what I thought of the way he was treating me.
What could I do? When he came home he fed the rabbit before he came to see me. That was an insult. Boy was I going to give it to him when he came to see me.
Finally he came to see me and I was so excited to see him I forgot to be mean.
Oh well maybe next time.
I am a special guest contributor to this site. Actually I snuck on to Bill’s computer by stealth but this was simply too much of a time saver not to share it with you.
1. Put both lids of the toilet up and add 1/8 cup of pet shampoo to the water in the bowl.
2. Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom.
3. In one smooth movement put the cat in the toilet and close the lid. You may need to stand on the lid.
4. The cat will self agitate and make ample suds. Never mind the noises that come from the toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this.
5. Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a 'power-wash' and rinse'.
6. Have someone open the front door of your home. Be sure that there are no people between the bathroom and the front door.
7. Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift the lid.
8. The cat will rocket out of the toilet, streak through the bathroom, and run outside where he will dry himself off.
9. Both the toilet and the cat will be sparkling clean.
The other night there was some police activity on our street and Bill went out to see what was going on. Two Deputy Sheriff Vehicles with their lights flashing sat at the end of the street. It was dark and the action was far enough away that Bill could not see anything going on but it close enough to reduce his vision in the darkness around him. Bill saw something move behind Dottie's car but his vision was not good enough to tell what just what was in the shadows. It was about the size of a cat. So being the lover of cats that Bill is he got down on his knees and called the kitty. The kitty moved in Bill's direction but then stopped just a few feet away. It was then that Bill could tell that this kitty had a pointy head and a white strip from the tip of its nose to the tip of its tail.
Cat eyes Bill does not have but skunk smell he almost got!
Bill is trying to teach me a new word. It is not the first time I have heard this word. My last family tried to teach it to me and even Bill has used a few times since he adopted me but it seems he is getting more persistent. This word goes against my kitty grain and makes my blood boil almost as bad as the word "BATH." (That one makes me even shutter to think about.)
Bill set up a special place on his desk just for me and he lets me climb on top of his computer. He has objected, sometime rather strongly, when I walk on the keyboard. But the other day I got on top of the printer and accidentally pushed a button. It was neat the printer started making noise and a piece of paper popped right out of it. That was fun so I did it again. Oh I knew I would have hours of fun with this one but Bill did not share my fun. He did not laugh nor even smile. He just started using that word every time I get on the same side of the desk as the printer is on.
The word is "NO". Now I know what no means and I know he knows I know what no means but he doesn't know I know what no means so I have the edge.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
You humans sometime just do not seem to understand what it is like being a fierce predator like as illustrated by this photo of my friend. We must conserve our energy so we can be successful in the hunt. You humans want us to constantly be on the alert and hunting 24 hours a day but that is just not possible. We rest then suddenly we have that burst of energy so we can hunt. When we catch something we go back into our recharging mode.
A warm room, plenty of sand, food, water, and strokes from a loving hand. What more could a cat, or for that matter any other creature, ask for. Life as a cat if good.
Sense Sadie died Bill has found it very hard to keep this blog up then Mama Cat died and he was totally lost.
Bill found out that I was in the animal shelter with just hours left to live so he ran down and bailed me out. I do everything I can to relieve his stress and depression and he says I am a great help to him.
When I learned about this blog I thought I would see if I am able to give some cat thoughts. So watch and see how I do.