I am the current writer of this blog

Thursday, August 23, 2007


How does he do it? Bill is running 10 different blog sites and if that was not enough now he is building a site to help people get their ham radio license. From 5 in the morning until after midnight he has been putting this program together. He is on our computer almost the whole time.

I need several cat naps during the day and though cats are suppose to be nocturnal Bill keeps me awake for so much of the day I have to sleep at night when he is gone. It is so hard for me to get to the computer that I have come to the conclusion that what I need is my own computer. Maybe then I could keep up with this blog (and maybe not).

Then there is this ham thing. Do you have any idea how much squeaking and squawking those radios make? I do not like the sound of them and I keep telling Bill I do not like them but he keeps running them just the same. He will run those radios during the day while he is working and listens to something he calls Morse code. To me it is just an annoying beep beep. When he tries to transmit to someone I make it a point to jump on his shoulder and meow just as loud as I can in his ear just to let him know how much I dislike those things. I have even been known to bite his ear but he just reaches up and strokes my head or leans his head over and nuzzles me and keeps on doing what he was doing.

Now he is trying to get more people out there he can beep beep with by starting those ham classes on the internet. He will be starting this class on 09/04/2007 on and I hope none of my readers go there or to his other site because all I need is more beep beepers out there.

Bill went to answer the door and I hear him coming back now so I had better get off this keyboard or he will pick me up, pet my head, and put me on the floor and I would rather get on the floor on my own power.

1 comment:

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