I am the current writer of this blog

Friday, October 30, 2015

Cat Bites Dog

This story I have mixed emotions about (yes cats do have emotions.) There is a man who has a dog named Tiki. This man also lives in an area where there are mountain lions. The man left Tiki outside alone unprotected. So he was out around 11:30 p.m. I really don't know why Tiki was outside; maybe it was because he does not have a sand box inside. A mountain lion saw Tiki as an easy meal and grabbed the dog. The man heard the commotion on his deck and ran out and charged the mountain lion chasing him off.

Now here is where I get the mixed emotions. Mountain lions are cats and I am a cat so I see the big kitty’s point of view. I also know that Sadie Cat, the original owner of this blog, was killed by two dogs and that was just for sport. But I also know some people do love their dogs just like Bill loves me. So here is the thing: If you have pets and you live in areas were there are wild animals that might see your pets as food protect your pets. Do not leave them outside alone especially at night.  

Tiki survived the experience with only minor injuries. 

(Oh just for the record Bill likes dogs. Some people have no taste.) 

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