I am the current writer of this blog

Friday, July 20, 2007


Many humans say they are the product of evolution and that they descended from an ape which descended from some other animal. This system of belief includes, which based on faith and not facts, includes that somewhere down that line of evolution humans and cats are related. (Before someone gets angry about saying that this is a system of belief then just read about evolution by those who believe in evolution and see how many times they say, “we think,” or “we believe.”)

Well humans may believe they related to some lower order of animal but we cats are not related to humans. I can prove that we are created by an intelligent being.

If you were to go for a walk in the woods and walked into an area where all the trees are in organized rows; each tree is an equal distance from the other tree. Would you say, “Isn’t it interesting how all these randomly scattered seeds came up in such an organized manor?” Surely you would recognize that these trees were planted by someone.

Now while holding your kitty and showing how much you adore her look at her whiskers. There is not a random scattering here but organized rows. This did not happen by chance but just as the trees in the woods they are placed there by design. Design requires a designer.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I was doing a little internet surfing today and found something that left me in panic. Researchers are now saying that cat’s claws can reduce the side effects of chemo therapy. I can see it now all those poor kitties having to donate their claws just so humans can feel better. Millions of cats around the world without claws to defend them selves against those mangy low life animals that like to chase them, or reliving tension by exercising them on the couch. Just think they would not be able to reach out and swat their human subjects just for the fun of it or to let them know when they disapprove of something. How can they climb a tree without claws? This could put the police and fire departments in jeopardy of being put out of business because they would lose their main purpose.

I could see pharmaceutical companies grinding those claws into powder and giving it to people. Then it struck me that maybe they were letting the test cats claw people on chemo therapy and thus the pain from those scratches make them forget the pain of the chemo. Wow that sounds like fun. What a job!

I knew this was something that needed to be researched further. I was a little relived to learn that “cat’s claw’ is the name of a plant but I was also disappointed that there would be no work for me clawing people. Bill is still the only person I get to use my claws on.