I am a cat. This blog was started by the late Sadie Cat who was murdered by two huskies when she went for a stroll one evening. Her reason for writing this blog was to give humans a cat's eye view of things. It was her hope that you would find it fun, interesting, humorous, and informative. I am now picking up where she left off and my goal is the same as hers
Many humans who live with cats seem to feel it is necessary
to declaw their loving friend. We don’t look at things in the house in the same
way you humans do but we can be taught to use a scratching post if we are
provided with one. Then we will leave your precious thing alone (and remember
our claws are precious to us.) If you do remove the claws of your kitty please
remember that claws are our main source of defense so you will need to give
your friend an extra amount of protection.
There are some things humans do not understand about our
claws. They are not like your finger and toe nails. First off our claws are
attached to the bone in our feet so damage to our claws can impact
the adjacent bony structures. Cat claws contain blood vessels and nerves so if
you try to clip them please be careful not to go to deep. Our paws are much
more sensitive under normal conditions then human hands and feet so it can be
difficult for humans to treat painful claw conditions without our reacting
Because of rapidly dividing cells in the nail bed there is
a greater chance of developing aggressive cancer cells there. Limping, loss of
a claw, or a swollen toe can often be signs that something may be more amiss
then a simple injury. Please keep tabs on your kitty friends claws and paws.
This story I have mixed emotions about
(yes cats do have emotions.) There is a man who has a dog named Tiki. This man also lives
in an area where there are mountain lions. The man left Tiki outside alone unprotected. So he was out
around 11:30 p.m. I really don't know why Tiki was outside; maybe it was because he does not have a sand box inside. A mountain lion saw Tiki as an easy meal and grabbed the dog.
The man heard the commotion on his deck and ran out and charged the mountain lion
chasing him off.
Now here is where I get the mixed
emotions. Mountain lions are cats and I am a cat so I see the big kitty’s point
of view. I also know that Sadie Cat, the original owner of this blog, was
killed by two dogs and that was just for sport. But I also know some people do love
their dogs just like Bill loves me. So here is the thing: If you have pets and you live in areas were
there are wild animals that might see your pets as food protect your pets. Do
not leave them outside alone especially at night.
Tiki survived the experience with only
minor injuries.
(Oh just for the record Bill likes dogs. Some people have no taste.)
Yes it is true that cats and dogs can swim but the question is for how long? If for some reason your pet should fall overboard while you have your attention drawn to something else it could take some time before you notice and are able to search for your friend. Your pet will be very low in the water and thus may not be able to see land. So they may swim in circles until they tire out and drown.
Keep your pet safe if you take them with you in a boat.
Did you know there are over 40 different applications of Meleuca
products specifically for cats described in the Melaleuca Wellness Guide?
If you are concerned about the health of your family, that
includes your pets, you will check out the Melaleuca products.
Melaleuca products are safer for humans because they do not
contain dangerous chemicals. There are many serious injuries from inhaling the
fumes, having skin contact, or ingesting dangerous chemicals that are used in
everyday household products. Many illnesses such as cancer, asthma attacks, heart
disease, and many more are linked directly to those same dangerous chemicals.
Young humans are frequently the victims of accidental poisoning from household
Melaleuca products are safer for the pets in the house for
the same reason they are safer for humans in the house. While pets are not
usually the ones responsible to do the cleaning around the house they do live
in the environment these cleaners leave. Some of us are more susceptible to the
damage these products cause then humans. Like young humans young cats, dogs, ferrets,
and more are playful and curious which gets them into things that are
dangerous. This may be chewing through an empty cleaner bottle or even worse
one that is not empty and consuming some of the product with dangerous
Melaleuca products are safer for our planet. The Earth is
our home; we live here. We drink the water it provides, breathe the air that
envelops it, and eat the food it produces. If pollution puts the toxic chemicals
humans are using everyday in the home into the air and water then we all have to
eat and breathe them. Humans, pets, domestic animals, and wild animals are all placed
at risk.
Please do your part and remove toxic cleaners and other toxic
chemical from your home.
I have got it made. Bill keeps me inside at night where it is warm and dry; it is also safe from dogs and other dangerous animals. During the day he lets me out but I usually don't stay out very long because it is more comfortable in his office
Some cats don't get to spend the night inside and it gets cold at night You humans like a nice warm place when it is cold. Well we cats also like to keep warm but sometimes cats do foolish things to keep warm. They will clime upon the warm engine of a car and try to keep warm. So please when you go out to start your car during these winter months at least bang on the hood so as to chase any cats that may have strayed in there out.
So to all you cats out there have a happy Thanksgiving and to the dogs and humans I wish the same. Even if you don't live in the United States you still can be thankful with us on the third Thursday of November each year.